The Green Line in Cyprus

The burning of the Paramali refugee camps (Then & Now)

The images above show the clearing of the Paramali Station Camp - south of the main road.

The 'main road' through Paramali Station itself........the two camps were north and south of this road

In 2012 the author matched the location of two images taken in Paramali Station camp.
The new highway has greatly altered the background of the first image but, in the second, the plateau (Bloodhound Camp) is largely unchanged.

My wife (to be) and I visited the Paramali Forest camp in February 1975. She is sitting next to one of a number of earth/stone ovens that had been built by the refugees.

Various hardstandings at the site of the Paramali Forest camp are still visible today (March 2020).
The signature in the concrete was made the day before the camps were emptied (DOE = Department of the Environment - who employed a significant number of local workers).

All images are by the author and Geoff Cosson. If others wish to use these photographs please let the author know and simply acknowledge 'Malcolm Brooke/Geoff Cosson' and this website.
Larger images are available on request.