German Target Decoys

The Hermann Göring Steel Works

The vitally important steelworks (Reichswerke Hermann Göring) at Salzgitter was an obvious RAF target that warranted as much protection as possible.

The massive steel works was connected to the Mittelland Canal by a specially constructed branch canal (visible top-left)

The town of Peine (PE), the Mittelland Canal (MLK) and the Salzgitten Canal (SK) provided the navigational markers for an attacking bomber force that would therefore approach the target on a heading of 150º.
Two dummy sites (1+2) were built on the approach to the target.

Site No:2 is a faithful 1:4 scale reproduction of the actual target. The control bunker is circled in both images.

Compare the marked features of the steelworks (left) with the decoy (right)

The nature of Scheinanlagen No:1 is not known.

Link to the orginal German website - the source of this material (opens in a new window)