The Three Surrenders

The Lüneburg Heath Surrender (Additonal Images)

4th May 1945......the 11th Hussars and Montgomery's staff officers meet the returning German delegation next to the Bilsen Wohld Gasthof.

The same scene on 4th May 2018 (photographs courtesy of Colin O'Keeffe)

The four pictures show the German delegation at the British frontline at Quickborn, north of Hamburg.
Colonel Ewart and Dawnay can be seen in several of the photographs.
There appears to be a fairly relaxed atmosphere!

The first picture shows the scene on the Timeloberg with Captain Knee translating for Monty. However, in the second picture only Col Ewart is present.
Click the image or this link for a larger version.

This would appear to be the moment where Admiral Friedeburg tried to read the letter in English.
Captain Knee (aged 22) stands at attention.
Click the image or this link for a larger version.

Montgomery's Intelligence Officer, Col Joe Ewart with three of the German delegation.

The group in front of the tent with Mongomery's caravan just visible on the RHS.

Two colour pictures secretly taken on the this link for details.
The three observers are likely to be Lt Col Warren, Chester Wilmot and Col Dawnay.
Captain Knee and Colonel Ewart are with Montgomery.

The signing of the "Instrument of Surrender".

The signed document.

A YouTube clip of the surrender ceremony.

A meeting of the two Field Marshals..........Montgomery & Busch.
Col Ewart is walking to meet other officers (off the picture RHS).
Montgomery's corduroy trousers were reported to be bleached white by the frequent washing.
The possible reason for this visit is given below.

A different translator speaking to Field Marshal Busch with one of the other German officers now visible (RHS).

Montgomery had given Busch the responsibility of ensuring that German forces "behaved themselves" and cooperated in providing relief to the civilian population.
On May 11th (via Radio Flensburg) Field Marshal Busch issued a somewhat arrogant and tactless proclamation giving the impression that he was still in control of events.
Montgomery summoned Busch to Lüneburg for a "dressing down".
He was to implement the terms of the surrender and no more!
It is likely that the photographs above show this meeting......a short time after the May 11th broadcast.

All images (except the two colour photographs) are © Imperial War Museum.

An image of Montgomery with members of his staff (yet to be indentified) on the Timeloberg.
Photograph from a retired Army Padre and via Hugh Piersen.
Click this link or the image for a larger version.......opens in a new window.

You can download an excellent document "Die Kapitulation auf dem Timeloberg" from the German War Graves Commission.