The Three Surrenders

Villa Möllering, Häcklingen

The location of the Villa Möllering in Häcklingen.

The villa was built in 1906 and occupied by Margarete Endemann who was the head of a girl's school in Reifenstein.
In 1935, Alexander Möllering, head of the local 'Kronen-Brauerei' bought the Villa.
Möllering had the house rebuilt in the style of the time. The main door was transformed into a distinctive rounded arch.
In 1938 a barn and an extension were added.

Following its wartime role it became part of a Psychiatric Clinic but when the cost of maintaining the building became too high, it was sold and fell into disrepair.

The pictures show the decline of the villa since it ceased to be part of the clinic. The second picture was taken in 2011.

The future of the villa is a controversial local issue and, at the time of writing,  the current status of this listed historic monument is still not certain.

When I visited in July 2016, the fence had been moved further from the house and a "Denkmal" explanation sign was displayed.

It is currently impossible to match the images exactly but, as can be seen above, the distinctive doorway and lamp post are clearly visible in both pictures.

Click here for a larger picture (in a new window)

Much of the building has been demolished leaving only the entrance steps. It is now very difficult to sense the significance of what remains.
Photograph courtesy of Colin O'Keeffe.........taken in April 2022.